Test Results are just a click away from your Build’s page. Once your build has run, you can click the Test Reports button and view all your unit, UI and device test results collected in a single dashboard. Once you’ve analyzed your build’s test results, you can easily navigate back to your app through the top menu bar.
Sounds good but how does it work? In a nutshell, our testing Steps deploy your tests results to one directory from where the Deploy to Bitrise.io Step picks up those test results and delivers them to the Test Reports page which is like a one-stop mobile test results dashboard. This means you only need your tests in a repository, a testing Step and the Deploy to Bitrise.io Step in your Workflow. These are the Steps which support Test Results:
No time wasted on finding test results. Our mobil test result analyzer takes care of organizing all your test results and groups them, for example, by success ratio and type. The Test Summary tab displays an overview of all your tests with a button to jump to Test Cases. This provides more granularity on each test case with additional information, for example, on duration, device, locale and orientation depending on the test type.
Based on your tests, there is a wide variety of test output types you can analyze in Test Reports. Test cases with a status indicator, performance test results displaying, for example, CPU and memory usage, videos on UI changes, and screenshots, test artifacts and logs are all available or downloadable as you wish.